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Functional GI Disorders in Children

 Functional Gastrointestinal disorders are common conditions that affect the digestive system. They are called "functional" because they relate to how the gut functions, rather than to structural or biochemical abnormalities. They are also called Disorders of Brain-Gut interaction. They can cause significant and recurrent symptoms but without a disease process or ongoing damage to the mucosa.

The more common Functional GI Disorders in Children and adolescents:

- functional dyspepsia/Chronic nausea

- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

- Functional abdominal pain

- Functional Constipation

- Functional nausea and vomiting

- Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome

- Toddler's Diarrhoea

- Infant Regurgitation

Management strategies include:

- Diet changes, avoiding trigger foods

- Relaxation techniques (such as abdominal breathing and hypnotherapy)

- Medication: depend on the specific symptoms

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